5 Useful Post-it Clumps while Agile Coaching

As my wife and I are in the process of packing up all our things for our big move back to Vancouver, it also involves clearing many scraps of paper. I untangled clumps of post-its that I’ve kept for many years and it reminded me of the 5 reoccurring insights I had – varying from project observations to the tools […]

Essential Scrum in 5 Pictures

Here’s a quick rundown of SCRUM in 5 pictures. There will definitely be a lot of fine details that I will be missing out but this is how I would distill it to the “need to knows” to someone who is just starting or just joining the team.

Retrospective Tool: Celebration Grid

Learning is optimal is when we run experiments. I was inspired by Jurgen to try out the celebration grid for teams at Wooga, and it was very well received.

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